Hello beloved reader!!!
It's been almost a year since the last time I posted something around here; time for a SAHM that lives at the top of the hill and happens to be an
ambivert works differently...
I'm pretty used to the isolation, so when facebook memes started flooding my news feed,
I couldn't help but laugh at a lot of them... and felt sorry for the people that are really going to struggle with this whole social distancing thing for some months.
Part of me feels that we deserved this, since we as a species have been horrible towards our mother nature, we are selfish and greedy... so she decided to show us just how fragile our whole existence is.
Just to think the amount of dead, the amount of sick, the doctors, nurses, students, helpers, and all the people fighting against this virus, along with the people that are staying at home with their job on hold (like my husband), or that just lost their jobs... it's just like living in a movie, but reality is much much harder... the uncertainty of it all is terrifying... but somehow I've managed to keep my head cool in all this madness, I know we will be ok, we will survive,
and hopefully we'll understand that we are all connected!
Love and light to you and your loved ones, Stay Home, Stay Safe.
See you on the other side of this storm...
-No disrespect I know a lot of people are suffering-
but this made me laugh so much!!!
God, The Universe, You name it...
they do work in mysterious ways!