Sunday, December 18, 2016

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Somewhere there is a woman...

Somewhere there is a woman: 30, no children. People ask her, “Still no kids?” Her response varies from day to day, but it usually includes forced smiles and restraint. "Nope, not yet,” she says with a chuckle, muffling her frustration. "Well, don’t wait forever. That clock is ticking, ya know,” the sage says before departing, happy with herself for imparting such erudite wisdom. The sage leaves. The woman holds her smile.
Alone, she cries…
Cries because she’s been pregnant 4 times and miscarried every one. Cries because she started trying for a baby on her wedding night, and that was 5 years ago. Cries because her husband has an ex-wife and she has given him children. Cries because she wants desperately to try in vitro but can’t even afford the deposit. Cries because she’s done in vitro (multiple rounds) and still has no children. Cries because her best friend wouldn’t be a surrogate. “It would be too weird,” she said. Cries because her medication prevents pregnancy. Cries because this issue causes friction in her marriage. Cries because the doctor said she’s fine, but deep inside she knows it’s her. Cries because her husband blames himself, and that guilt makes him a hard person to live with. Cries because all her sisters have children. Cries because one of her sisters didn’t even want children. Cries because her best friend is pregnant. Cries because she got invited to another baby shower. Cries because her mother keeps asking, “Girl, what are you waiting on?” Cries because her in-laws want to be grandparents. Cries because her neighbor has twins and treats them like shit. Cries because 16-year-olds get pregnant without trying. Cries because she’s an amazing aunt. Cries because she’s already picked out names. Cries because there’s an empty room in her house. Cries because there is an empty space in her body. Cries because she has so much to offer. Cries because he’d be a great dad. Cries because she’d be a great mother, but isn’t.

Somewhere else is another woman: 34, five children. People say to her, “Five? Good lord, I hope you’re done!” And then they laugh… because those types of comments are funny. The woman laughs too, but not in earnest. She changes the subject, as she always does, and gives the disrespect a pass. Just another day.
Alone, she cries…
Cries because she’s pregnant with another and feels like she has to hide the joy. Cries because she always wanted a big family and doesn’t see why people seem so disturbed by it. Cries because she has no siblings and felt profoundly lonely as a child. Cries because her Granny had 12 and she’d love to be just like her. Cries because she couldn’t imagine life without her children, but people treat her like they’re a punishment. Cries because she doesn’t want to be pitied. Cries because people assume this isn’t what she wanted. Cries because they assume she’s just irresponsible. Cries because they believe she has no say. Cries because she feels misunderstood. Cries because she’s tired of defending her private choices. Cries because she and her husband are perfectly capable of supporting their family but that doesn’t seem to matter. Cries because she’s tired of the “funny” comments. Cries because she minds her own business. Cries because she wishes others would mind theirs. Cries because sometimes she doubts herself and wonders if she should have stopped two kids ago. Cries because others are quick to offer criticism and slow to offer help. Cries because she’s sick of the scrutiny. Cries because she’s not a side show. Cries because people are rude. Cries because so many people seem to have opinions on her private life. Cries because all she wants to do is live in peace.

Another woman: 40, one child. People say to her, “Only one? You never wanted any more?”
“I’m happy with my one,” she says calmly, a rehearsed response she’s given more times than she can count. Quite believable.

No one would ever suspect that alone, she cries…
Cries because her one pregnancy was a miracle. Cries because her son still asks for a brother or sister. Cries because she always wanted at least three. Cries because her second pregnancy had to be terminated to save her life. Cries because her doctor says it would be “high-risk.” Cries because she’s struggling to care for the one she has. Cries because sometimes one feels like two. Cries because her husband won’t even entertain the thought of another. Cries because her husband died and she hasn’t found love again. Cries because her family thinks one is enough. Cries because she’s deep into her career and can’t step away. Cries because she feels selfish. Cries because she still hasn’t lost the weight from her from her first pregnancy. Cries because her postpartum depression was so intense. Cries because she can’t imagine going through that again. Cries because she has body issues and pregnancy only exacerbates it. Cries because she still battles bulimia. Cries because she had to have a hysterectomy. Cries because she wants another baby, but can’t have it.

These women are everywhere. They are our neighbors, our friends, our sisters, our co-workers, our cousins. They have no use for our advice or opinions. Their wombs are their own. Let’s respect that.
(Credit: Nadirah Angail)
(Photo by: Joey Thompson, Unsplash)

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Saturday, July 09, 2016

Mami No Te Apresures...

Mami no te apresures que algún día hemos de encontrarnos,
algún día, quizás lejano.
Mami no te apresures, quizás es temprano...
Que no te apuren mamita, que no soy hecho a mano.

Mami no te apresures que soy distinto a como me has soñado,
quizás moreno, quizás claro, tal vez negrito, pero en fin milagro.
Mami no te apresures, que no puedo llenarte como has demando,
que la gente diga lo que quiera, de porqué no me has buscado.

Importante es que estés lista, porque luego me dolerán tus reclamos.
Mamita y si te has casado y aún no he llegado,
no me busques de una vez, no quiero incomodarlos,
disfrútense y amense mucho, así cuando llegue será todo más claro.

Mami no te apures, quiero un nido bien conformado,
con un papito que me ame, como tú me has amado,
Ay mamita no te apures, que yo quiero crecer sano,
no deseo llegar pronto, ni ser causa de desgano.

¿Te imaginas mi mamita? cuando hemos de encontrarnos.
Tu madura, yo oportuno y mi papá contemplando.
No se apuren, yo iré algún día a encontrarlos.
Mientras tanto, tú practicas y que papá vaya soñando.

No te apresures mami, cambiar pañales es de espanto...
No te asustes, cuando llegue ya sabremos acoplarnos,
no te apresures mamita, que estaré en tu regazo,
mientras lee e investiga, que será muy necesario.

Yo llego mamita y seré como un milagro,
algo valioso, pero no sacado de inventario,
no un juguete, sino un ángel que necesita ser cuidado,
con cariño y con afecto, con amor que no espere nada a cambio.

No te apresures mamita que Dios lo tiene estipulado,
por adopción o al natural, yo seré parte de tu legado,
Transformaré no sólo tu cuerpo, sino también tu vida
y te ataré a mi papá de forma definitiva.

Que no te apures mamita, importante es que estés lista,
Que la gente diga lo que quiera, y la abuelita que no insista,
¡Quiero nietos, quiero nietos! como los tiene fulanita,
para que un niño crezca sano hace falta más que una abuelita.

Me harán falta un padre y una madre que no me pierdan de vista,
que me eduquen, que me instruyan con valores y no con comiquitas,
Necesitaré tiempo, más que cosas, no te apures mamita.
Desde aquí también yo sueño, me prefiero oportuno y a ti lista. 
At Kilchurn Castle Ruins - Photo by DMH

Monday, June 20, 2016

Litha Blessings!

"The sun is high above us
shining down upon the land and sea,
making things grow and bloom.
Great and powerful sun
we honor you this day
and thank you for your gifts.
Ra, Helios, Sol Invictus, Aten, Svarog,
you are known by many names.
You are the light over the crops,
the heat that warms the earth,
the hope that springs eternal,
the bringer of life.
We welcome you, and we honor you this day,
celebrating your light,
as we begin our journey once more
into the darkness."

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Never In Our Arms, Always In Our Hearts!

- Como fueron elegidas las mamás que perdieron un hijo -

Muchas mujeres llegan a ser madres por casualidad, otras por elección y algunas por costumbre. 
¿Alguna vez te preguntaste como fueron elegidas las madres de niños que murieron antes de nacer o que sus niños hayan muerto no importa que edad?
De alguna forma yo me imagino a Dios, mirando su libro de gente, tomando sus decisiones.. 
Cuando decidió mandar a sus ángeles:
María: un hijo.... 
Julia: una hija... 
Gloria: mellizos...
Finalmente llega a un nombre (el tuyo) y le dice al ángel:
- Dale a ella un hijo que pronto morirá. 
El ángel sorprendido pregunta:-¿por que a ella señor? ella es tan noble y feliz...
Exactamente.. sonríe Dios. 
¿Cómo podría darle un hijo que morirá antes de su nacimiento a una mujer que no conoce la alegría y la bondad?
-¿pero tiene paciencia? pregunta el ángel
"No quiero que tenga demasiada paciencia, sino que se va a perder en la tristeza y la desesperación, se va a ahogar en un mar de desaliento y de pena por sí misma y una vez que el shock y el sentimiento de dolor haya pasado, va a ser capaz de enfrentarlo..Yo la estuve observando hoy: ella tiene una personalidad fuerte, conciencia de sí misma y ese sentido de independencia que es tan raro pero necesario en una madre.
Mira: "El hijo que le voy a dar va a tener su propio mundo. 
El va a tener que hacerlo vivir en el de ella y eso no va a ser fácil"
El ángel replicó: -Pero señor, yo no creo que siquiera ella siga creyendo en ti después de esto.
Dios sonríe, "No importa, eso se puede arreglar, esta mujer es perfecta, tiene suficiente entereza, además es una mujer a quien bendeciré toda su vida, ella no se dará cuenta, pero será envidiada.
El ángel mira sorprendido: ¿la entereza es un valor, desde cuando?
Dios asiente: "sino sabe separarse ella misma de su hijo, no sobrevivirá.
Si aquí tengo la mujer que voy a bendecir con un hijo que morirá antes de nacer. Ella no lo sabe todavía. Nunca mas va a ver algo como normal, nada de lo que hagan los demás a su alrededor. Todos los pasos, por pequeños que sean, van a ser un milagro.. Yo le voy a permitir ver claramente las cosas que yo veo: Ignorancia, crueldad y prejuicios, y le voy a dar fuerzas para que esté por encima de esas cosas.
NUNCA VA A ESTAR SOLA. Yo estaré a su lado cada minuto de cada día de su vida y esa madre estará haciendo mi trabajo tan seguramente como que ella estará algún día aquí a mi lado, y al lado de su hijo..."

Sunday, May 01, 2016

Merry Beltane!

"The leaves are budding across the land
on the ash and oak and hawthorn trees.

Magic rises around us in the forest

and the hedges are filled with laughter and love.
Dear lady, we offer you a gift,
a gathering of flowers picked by our hands,
woven into the circle of endless life.
The bright colors of nature herself
blend together to honor you,
as we give you honor this day.
Spring is here and the land is fertile,
ready to offer up gifts in your name.
we pay you tribute, our lady,
daughter of the Fae,
and ask your blessing this Beltane."

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Welcome Ostara!

"Hail, and welcome!
Green life returns to earth
blooming and blossoming
once more from the soil.
We welcome you,
goddesses of spring,
Eostre, Persephone, Flora, Cybele,
in the trees,
in the soil,
in the flowers,
in the rains,
and we are grateful
for your presence."

Thursday, January 28, 2016


Aye... Hello from the otherside!!!
(Finally in SCOTLAND)