Saturday, November 30, 2013

Happy St. Andrew's Day!

"O glorious St. Andrew, you were the first to recognize and follow the Lamb of God. 
With your friend, St. John, you remained with Jesus for that first day, 
for your entire life, 
and now throughout eternity. 
 As you led your brother, St. Peter, to Christ and many others after him, 
draw us also to Him. 
Teach us to lead others to Christ solely out of love for Him 
and dedication in His service. 
Help us to learn the lesson of the Cross 
and to carry our daily crosses without complaint 
so that they may carry us to Jesus."

Friday, November 22, 2013

Hail! Bright Cecilia

Saint Cecilia with an Angel by Orazio Gentileschi

"Hail! Bright Cecilia, Hail to thee!
Great Patroness of Us and Harmony!
Who, whilst among the Choir above
Thou dost thy former Skill improve,
With Rapture of Delight dost see
Thy Favourite Art
Make up a Part
Of infinite Felicity.
Hail! Bright Cecilia, Hail to thee!
Great Patroness of Us and Harmony!"

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Wild Spirit Awakening

"Walk tall as the trees;
live strong as the mountains,
be gentle as the spring winds,
keep the warmth of the summer sun in your heart,
and the great spirit will always be with you"

Stay Tuned...

After going through a lot all these years... 
all I can say is :
I'm so glad to be alive
I'll be back soon...